Ensembles play an integral part of musical development, and at Juvenalia, our students partake in ensembles throughout their studies. Many highlight playing with others as their favorite musical activity. Ensemble studies are uniquely designed for each student by their main instrument teacher.
Click here for Ensembles Timetables (only in finnish)
Wind ensembles
Juvenalian puhallinorkesterit – Jupot
Juvenalia’s wind ensembles are a merry band of wind instrument players and percussionists.
Jupo 4 is aimed at preschoolers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders with approximately a year’s worth of experience on their instruments. A new Jupo 4 group is formed every couple of years.
Jupo 3 is for 2nd to 5th graders with 3–5 years worth of instrument learning experience.
Jupo 2 is for 4th to 7th graders who have completed core study unit 2.
Jupo 1 is for middle school and high school ages who have completed, or are working on their core study unit 3.
Tanja Vienonen, tanja.vienonen@juvenalia.fi
Juvenalia Big Band
Juvenalia Big Band, or JBB, is aimed for young students with a couple of years worth of experience already under their belts, as well as for our older, more advanced players. Saxophone, trumpet, trombone, guitar, bass and drums are all part of the Big Band instrument group. Active since 2010, JBB has collaborated with several top soloists.
Olli-Pekka Tuomisalo, olli-pekka.tuomisalo@juvenalia.fi
Wind ensembles
Flute ensemble
All Music Institute Juvenalia flute students are involved in our flute ensemble. Active groups include:
- Beginner-level flute ensemble Piiparit
- Flute ensemble Juvenalia, aimed at flute students who have completed core study unit 2
- All Rehearsals at Sello
Hellevi Lassfolk, hellevi.lassfolk@juvenalia.fi
Juvenalia Clarinet ensemble
Rehearsals at Sello.
Jörg-Fabian Schnabel, jorg-fabian.schnabel@juvenalia.fi
Juvenalia Reeds
Rehearsals at Sello.
Olli-Pekka Tuomisalo, olli-pekka.tuomisalo@juvenalia.fi
Juvenalia’s string ensembles
Inka Eerola & Saija Penttilä
The ValO-orchestra mainly plays 5-part string orchestra music. According to ValO, a student who has been taking playing lessons for a few years and has mastered the basics of playing together can be admitted. Part/Stemma exercises are organized weekly. The orchestra’s repertoire consists of different genres from different eras. The orchestra’s spirit of togetherness and happy atmosphere is built together by grouping e.g. through games and improvisation.
Riittaliisa Lauriala, valo@juvenalia.fi
Juvenalia String Ensemble
Lauri Suonio, lauri.suonio@juvenalia.fi
Chamber Orchestra
The Juvenalia chamber orchestra is aimed for our more advanced string players. When joined forces with wind players, this ensemble has the capacity to be expanded into a small symphony orchestra or opera orchestra. Musically our chamber orchestra covers plenty of ground; its repertoire ranging from baroque pieces to modern classical, all the way to modern popular music. The orchestra meets for rehearsals weekly, more frequently during performance season. The group also takes part in other Juvenalia productions, recording sessions, as well as organizing concerts trips nationally and internationally. Juvenalia chamber orchestra has worked with several esteemed soloists as well as collaborated on projects with Käpylä music institute’s orchestra and Dortmund’s Youth symphony orchestra.
Janne Hanhijärvi, janne.hanhijarvi@juvenalia.fi
Juvenalia’s choirs are coordinated according to the age of the students.
Choir coaching, 7-9 year olds
Choir coaching is an introduction to singing through movement, dance, rhythms and creative exercises! Choir coaching leads students in their first steps in vocal harmonizing and ensembles, also preparing them for children’s choir.
Children’s choir, 10-12 year olds
In Children’s Choir you learn more about Choir singing. The repertoire consists of a wide range of age appropriate material.
Youth vocal ensemble, 13-15 year olds
The youth vocal ensembles delve into basic vocal techniques and polyphonic singing. The repertoire is rich in its variety, consisting of pop/rock, classical, folk music and more. The depths of vocal expression are explored through improvisation and writing original material.
Director Sini Kaukoranta, sini.kaukoranta@juvenalia.fi
Juvenalia choir
Júlia Heéger is director of Juvenalia choir, established in 1989. Her duties also include the choir’s voice coaching. The choir’s varied programming covers all musical eras from the Middle Ages to modern times.
Folk songs, jazz harmonies and beatboxing are all part of the choir’s repertoire, in conjunction with operas and grand church music works. The focus for the choir, however, remains the great a cappella pieces. Celebrated internationally, Juvenalia choir’s previous accolade is from the In Canto sul Garda competition, held in Italy in October 2019.
Director Júlia Heéger, julia.heeger@juvenalia.fi
Lied class
Lied class aim to engage voice and piano students in chamber music collaborations through Vocal music. Meeting and rehearsing once a week, Lied class groups perform their repertoire at self-organized events and during Juvenalia’s student concerts.
Rehearsals at Sello, Pikkusali, Tuesdays 17.30-19.00 (not in timetable)
Mette Heikkinen, mette.heikkinen@juvenalia.fi
Chamber music
Chamber music groups are generally formed by 2–5 students around the same age and level. Chamber music tuition can take place periodically or on a regular basis.
Antti Vahtola, antti.vahtola@juvenalia.fi